Bullet Proof Diesel Patents
BulletProof Engine Oil Cooling/Filtering Systems
- Engine Oil Cooler - 8,375,917
- Method of Modifying Engine Oil Cooling System - RE46568E
- Method of Modifying Engine Oil Cooling System - RE46650
- Oil Filtering and Cooling System for a Vehicle Compression Ignition Engine - 8,720,408
- Oil System for Diesel Engines that Operate in Cold Environments - 8,833,333
- Method of Modifying Engine Oil Cooling System - RE46726
- Oil System for Diesel Engines that Operate in Cold Environments - 9,273,572
- Apparatus for Modifying Engine Oil Cooling System - RE46,981
- Oil Filtering and Cooling System for Compression Ignition Engines - RE45853
- Method of Modifying Engine Oil Cooling System - 9,546,588 B2
- Apparatus for Modifying Engine Oil Cooling System - 20170145894
BulletProof EGR Coolers
- EGR Cooler and Method of Rebuilding Existing Cooler - 8,839,518
- Helical Tube EGR Cooler - 9,605,912
- Method and Apparatus for Forming a Helical Tube Bundle - 9,517,500
- Method and Apparatus for Forming a Helical Tube Bundle - 9,636,733
- Helical Tube EGR Cooler - 9,964,077
- Method of Rebuilding an EGR Cooler - 10,016,856
BulletProof Cylinder Head Repair
- Method and Apparatus for Repairing a Cylinder Head - 9,364,924
- Apparatus for Repairing a Cylinder Head - 10,071,446
BulletProof Fan Clutch Adapter
BulletProof HandETrack Cargo Mount
BulletProof Truck Bumper Step
Third Brake Light Antenna Mount
- Third Brake Light Antenna Mount - 10,090,583
- Third Brake Light Antenna Mount - 10,236,567
- Shark Fin Antenna Mount - 11,539,121
BulletProof Vehicle Light Bars
Additional U.S. patent applications are pending relating to the above. Also there are issued patents and pending patent applications in foreign countries relating to same.
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