We have provided this easy-to-follow Road Map to Bullet Proof Diesel products that leads to Reliability and Peace-of-Mind for you and your 6.0L Ford.
The First Step in Reliability: Address These Five Pattern Failures
These five pattern failures are the main reason why the 6.0L has the reputation for needing some extra love.
Reliability Comes from Using BulletProof Solutions
These BulletProof Products directly address and prevent the repeat pattern-failures associated with the OEM parts.
Recommended Upgrades and Improvements
BulletProof Customers always ask: OK... what else can I do, should I do to make this truck even better? You can do that with these five products below.
Electronics and Gauges - Know what's going on under the hood
Your truck's computer knows what's going on under the hood... but the dashboard simply does a terrible job of giving you real information. Just how hot is your transmission fluid? Your engine oil? Your coolant? What is your IPR duty-cycle percentage? Now you can know with these gauges and upgrades!
Finishing Touches
Now... make it your own truck with your own personal touches! Show the world your BulletProof 6.0!